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Smart Press Release Distribution

Start building your release today!

Searching for a national press release distribution service that sends your press release to the right people, at the right price? With more than 100,000 opt-in journalists and a relationship with the largest and most-respected newswire, we'll get your press release directly to the desktops of journalists, freelance writers, and bloggers.

Start Press Release Step 1 of 3

Questions? If you have questions about placing an order, call us at: +1 410-931-2966 (or +1 800-710-5535) 7AM-7PM Eastern Time Zone Monday through Friday.

By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Your data will not be shared.
All orders must be prepaid. We accept all major credit cards.
Writing can be added to any distribution for an additional fee.

Writing can be added to any distribution for an additional fee.

